“Every story I write adds to me a little, changes me a little, forces me to reexamine an attitude or belief, causes me to research and learn, helps me to understand people and grow.”
-Octavia Butler-
Recent publications
Artist Profile: Cheryl D. Edwards
“Named for their shape, paddle dolls are only vaguely human-shaped with intricate hair and carved patterns all in the neutral colors associated with the materials. By contrast, Edwards’ dolls are all rich with color, as if returning to the palette of her childhood, where she grew up with “Black folks and…there was always this cultural Caribbean environment. And you know how people wore colors. For people of color, our cultural statements incorporate color in a loud manner.”
-Beyond Child’s Play: Dolls for Domestication and Decolonization in Cheryl D. Edwards’ Pulp Paintings
If Only That Were True
“Like all fairytales, to say that we were an antislavery church is a statement that mixes magical thinking, aspirational longing, and truth. Separating out the bits of truth from the chaff of revisionist history is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack. To claim the truth, unflatteringly complicated, is as difficult as a camel getting through the eye of a needle.”
-James Solheim Award for Editorial Courage
Associated Church Press 2022 -
Reparations and the Theological Disciplines: Prophetic Voices for Remembrance, Reckoning and Repair
“Maybe it is a hobby. In fact, you talk about race the way other people talk about sports. You know all the stats. You know the rules, the obscure history going back to the beginning, and you follow each play.”
-The Job: How to Talk to White People About Reparations
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DC Arts and Humanities Commission. Maryland State Arts Council. Kairos Blanket Exercise. Center for Nonviolence & Conflict Transformation. The Elizabeth George Foundation. The Writer’s Center. James Merrill House. Yaddo. Sustainable Arts Foundation. Hand Papermaking Magazine. Callaloo Writer’s Workshop. Power Writers. Flanked Women’s Writers Conference. Wesleyan Writers Conference. Voices of Our Nation Arts Foundation. Lexington Books. Messenger. Kenyon Review. Florida Review. Crab Orchard Review. Out of Line. Aethlon. Driftwood, Voices from Afar.
And the many friends who have read and re-read.